What Type of Cage Is Best For a Ferret? Two Common Types

What type of cage is best for a ferret? There are two basic types of cages, and there are also two types of ferret cages to choose from.

The first type of ferret cage is the one that is made of wire mesh. This type of cage is easy to clean and easy to store. This cage has a smaller headroom than the wire mesh cage, but it is still large enough for the size of ferret you want to house. These cages are very common in the wild.
The second type of ferret cage is made of wood. It may be wood is made of spruce or cedar. Wood is usually made out of wood chips. The first thing you will notice about a wood ferret cage is that the bedding is not made out of wood, but is some cardboard.

A wood ferret cage is not as easy to clean as the wire mesh cage. While this may sound good at first, wood can get ruined easily. While this may look good at first, wood can get destroyed easily.

Some people will have trouble cleaning a wood ferret cage. You may have to purchase specialised cleaning products. If you get the right cleaner for your ferret, then it should not be too difficult to clean the cage.

The wire mesh cage is more popular with ferrets. This type of cage has more room to move around. You could even fit an adult dog inside a wire mesh cage. However, the wire mesh ferret cage does not have any bailing wire on the sides, so the animal can accidentally go over the edge of the cage and fall through the bars.

When it comes to price, you will find that there is not a lot of difference between a wire mesh cage and one that is made out of wood. However, if you are going to buy a wire mesh cage, you will be able to add a large door on the side to keep the ferret from getting out when they need to get out. Wire mesh cages are more expensive than wooden cages, but they are more costly than plastic cages.

What type of ferret cage you choose will depend on the size of the ferret. You may decide that the wire mesh cage is more appropriate for a small ferret. For larger ferrets, you will need to select a larger cage, like the wood type.

You will find that a wire mesh cage is a much less work to clean than the wood type of cage. The wire mesh cage is easily cleaned with a wire brush. You will find that the wire mesh cage has very little work to do, compared to the wooden type of cage.

The other advantage of a wire mesh cage is that it is straightforward to clean. Even if you get any spill or accident, it can be easily cleaned up with the use of a wire brush. This can be a big help if you plan on taking the ferret out daily.

The wire mesh cage is an excellent choice for a ferret. However, you will need to be sure that the cage you buy has an easy to clean bedding. The wire mesh cage is a bit more expensive than the wooden cages, but it will save you money in the long run, since you will not have to purchase a litter box for your ferret.